Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Now lets see, where did I set those ICBM's?

So the Pentagon announces today that they "accidentally" sent nuclear (or Nucleeer as dubya says) centrifuges, that can be loaded onto ICBM's no less, to Taiwan. Okay, but the kicker is that they've been there for two years! They were sent on accident instead of the requested industrial batteries. When I broke into the business at Boomtown as a 21 year old security guard we were required to check the bathrooms (for passed out or elderly patrons in distress) every hour, on the hour and you're telling me that nuclear centrifuges don't get inventory checks on a regular basis?

Can you imagine that phone call to Beijing? I mean what are they going to say - "Ummm, you know how sometimes when you order Chinese take out they forget your pot stickers? Well ...."

Not to mention Gates texting Rummy - "WTF man???!"

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