Monday, March 17, 2008

"Heil five!"

... that's Obama and Wright slapping hands. So Obama has scheduled a "big" speech on race in America for tomorrow at 10am Eastern in an attempt to put the Wright controversy to bed. Not going to work, get this - all 207,000 minutes of Wrights 30 year Sunday ministry are available on DVD for parishioners, and the media obviously has them now. SO since Obama claims he never personally witnessed this nonsense, not as a "theme" anyway, then all he has to do is release the days he attended to the best of his recollection and let us look up the sermon of that Sunday on DVD. This demand is already being made on TV & radio as of today. Add to that his book, The Audacity of Hope, (which Jambo jokingly threatened to send me) was not only a title borrowed from a Wright sermon, but according to Obama on page 293 of that book he says that sermon was the catalyst in his decision to join the Trinity Church. So people went back & looked at that speech - "The white man's greed subjects a world in need", is one line, and he goes on further to describe Hiroshima & Nagasaki in terms that are shall we say, less then historically accurate. It is becoming rapidly clear that the Obama family has a radical world view and an extremist philosophy concerning America. Wright makes Billy Carter look like, well, a pastor.

And kudos of the week go to the McCain strategists. As the Democrat candidates are locked in a battle over race, gender and unpatriotic sermons, John is on a world-wide tour, meeting with everyone from our troops in Iraq to foreign leaders, looking VERY presidential, distinguished and at this point, normal. It's a perfect storm. And to boot, Nader's in again .... he,he,he.

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