Monday, March 3, 2008

A must-read article...

"China's assymetrical strategy"

This is a fantastic piece on China's long-term strategic goals towards the Pacific region and the US. THIS is an article that McCain would read and understand, while Obama and Hillary couldn't hire enough people to explain it to them.

This threat is real... and it isn't the only one. It isn't a long walk to see that a similar view can be applied to recent Russian threats of a "new arms race" where Russia develops and takes pride in "thousands of new weapons" (nukes)... when in reality, they don't need the weapons. They only need the perception of the weapons to influence an OBVIOUSLY divided US Congress when it comes to national security and defense spending and initiatives.

This article also shows that someone at the CSP thinks just like WE do... and agrees that a conventional military capable of fighting an unconventional war is far more important than a smaller, leaner, faster military that depends on strategic surprise and surgical strikes to succeed in its efforts against inferior forces... and fails. While I'm sure the "Class of '91" (Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz, et al) had every confidence and faith in our abilities to repeat the Gulf War in '03... they hadn't counted on fighting anyone other than Saddam. THAT is their greatest failing.

Read the piece...

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