Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What are you trying to say?

This is the second time in so many days you've posted pertinent information concerning our country's superpower responsibilities and said Clinton/Obama don't get it. Not to sound harsh or cruel or anything, but...


What amazes me about the Chinese piece is that the same mistakes are made throughout history again and again. Should China make a move for Taiwan, and should the Taiwanese call on us for protection, and should China initiate a shooting war, what makes them think denying us space, information or even a perceived level playing field will stop us? Three times various Chinese sources are quoted as saying "America won't go that far," or "If we deny them their superiority, they won't fight." Or nonsense like that. Sounds like Tojo in Jan. '42 discussing how America will calm down and not fight after Pearl Harbor.

Do they honestly think we won't send battle groups into restricted waters because it's dangerous? Or because they've taken out communications satellites and a Rear Admiral is going to have to fight the "old fashioned way?" Or our submarines can't deal with their submarines?

If the Chinese want to deny us our command and control, fine. They don't have it either. And no matter what geographical advantage they may hold, their military equipment versus ours? Their personnel against ours? I'll take that.

1 comment:

Titus said...

If I was at all vague about why I am questioning Obama-Clinton, let me make it perfectly clear:

The Democratic Party has so completely lost touch with its roots that it has no concept of how important our role as a "superpower" is... and not just to us.

Without detracting from Maggie Thatcher's contribution to the end of the Cold War, could the UK have done in 45 years what the US did? Could ALL of Western Europe have accomplished it? Could Japan have managed to establish itself as an economic giant in the Pacific without the US there for 30 years to keep the Soviets and Chinese at bay?

Beef about Bush's policy implementation and planning all you want... and I'll even join you... but to PROMISE to relegate the US role in global security to "a position of peace, not brute force" really is nothing more than pacifist bullshit.

Brute force has solved more problems and resolved more issues than any other option man has imagined in the last 10,000 years.

I am so disgusted with the Democratic candidates that I really could see myself changing my voter card from "blue" to "red" very easily.